Friday, September 7, 2012

On a sugar overload

“OK, my daughter’s lost it”
My mom rolled her eyes and said,
“All the sugar that she’s eaten,
Has gone into her head”

“Let me tell you now,
Expect the unexpected,
There’s no telling what she’ll do,
This is hyper-ness perfected.”

“She may start to sing,
In odd voices of all sorts,
Or start to jump around,
Like a kangaroo grown short.”

“She could become a timid
Bunny who likes to bounce,
Or a fearsome puma,
Who on her prey she’ll pounce,
Sadly that is my husband,
And this goes unannounced!”

“And let us not forget,
There is always that chance,
She may think herself as a diva,
And she may start to dance.”

“She may become a gangsta,
She may start to rap,
But we would never get it,
There’s a big generation gap.”

“She could become a witch,
A part of Harry Potter,
Or a powerful demi-god,
Lord Apollo’s daughter!”

“But most likely, she will hear my words,
And then she’ll shout ‘I’ll show’em!’
She’ll grab a pencil, grab a paper,
And pen this silly poem!”

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