We all have our guilty pleasures,
Things we’re not supposed to do or have, but we do or have
anyway, and that makes these things our secret treasures,
And I’d honestly be kiddin’,
If I said I didn't go after things that are actually
OK, maybe forbidden is a word too daunting,
But let’s just say, I don’t look at it my parent’s way,
And I keep doing and having the stuff I’m wanting.
Like when I’m supposed to be studying and attacking my texts,
I’m online looking up Castle, seeing which episode is next,
And when I’m supposed to avoid our huge candy stock,
I might just slip myself an extra choc.
But there’s one pleasure that’s different, and it’s a book –
And when my parents decide to check whether I’m studying,
and come to take a look,
And they see me reading, and to cool their anger and my
conscience which is wriggling,
I read out a few poems, and soon enough we’re all giggling.
Because this book, which is called Candy is Dandy, and has
an introduction by Anthony Burgess,
Gives you all kinds of strange urges,
To manipulate even the simplest of words,
Creating the weirdest spellings that ever occord.
The poems in this book can turn your bad mood off,
Read just a little, and you’ll start to loff.
Let me tell you, it’s quite a miracle,
You start reading and you’re laughing and you seem
The poet has written about topics various,
And has managed to make each poem hilarious.
They’re about animals, pianos, money,
Yet each one is special, each one is funny.
He has long poems, but I think the real talent-definers,
Are the couplets, and the four liners.
He’s my favorite poet, and I wish to write,
Just like him, with a humorous light.
And maybe one day I will,
But there’s a lot of work still,
And until that day, I’ll just enjoy my stash
Of brilliant poems by Ogden Nash.
You do have the poetic charisma,
ReplyDeleteSo you are a poet, let there not be that dilemma.
Priya Saraff, you shall be a great writer, I really hope
But you do still have a lot of scope,
To go ahead and improve.
So as a brother, I shall advise you to remove,
The feeling that you aren't a good poet.
You have your originality, you just have to see it...
Good Luck! :D At least you're a better poet than I am... :D
Well, uh, thank you!