Thursday, April 17, 2014

La vie : A Game Of Chance

My life depended on a picture. Literally. In the end, that's all it came down to.
A picture was what got my parents wedded, and what brought me into this world, followed by my brother.

I think in this crazy world, what is pretty darn scary is that life is a game of chance. Small changes, small choices, and your life could've turned out completely different.

I, for example, may not have even been writing this if not for a picture. For all you know, someone else could've seen it, and then my mom might have never married my dad.

As Stephenie Meyer, writer of the famous Twilight series, said about her character Alice Cullen's ability to see into the future: I think my fascination with that very concept kind of comes through in Alice's visions of the future, where there are fourteen million of them. As characters make choices, they're narrowing down which visions can actually happen. Alice sees flashes of the future possibilities coming from the choices they've made. But if they make different choices, it becomes a whole new future.

That just goes to show that the smallest of choices, the smallest of happenings can change a life. A good example may be the Final Destination series - where a character has a vision of people dying, and despite trying to avoid it, it ends up happening because of the smallest things. 

*Spoilers for FD 3* 
In Final Destination 3, in the end, the characters end up dying because of a train accident that occurs partly because of a rat and a chocolate. See what I'm saying? But Final Destination also reinforces another idea - that what is meant to happen will happen. Basically, the idea of fate.

So does fate play out through those little decisions? If that's so, then it's pretty bewildering. Imagine, your decision to walk instead of taking a car or walking into one shop instead of another could change your life. 

Something like that's happened to all of us. I remember in Delhi, we were supposed to move into one house, but suddenly because of something, we ended up living somewhere else. In the same neighbourhood, but in another house. Now, it was because of that house I went to the school that I did, and made the friends I made. The owner of the first house probably had no idea that he changed our lives.

I don't know whether to believe in fate or not, but I do know that small things make a difference. I love hearing stories of how people discover new things by accident (serendipity, is what it's called, my dad said), and especially of how people meet by chance and fall in love . Anjali Tendulkar met her to-be husband at an airport. How cool is that?!

There's something both sweet and scary in knowing that our next step could change our lives completely, whether it's for better or for worse.


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