Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Say My Name

You can't let it go,
Or rather, it won't let go of you...
At the back of your mind, always,
It lurks like a predator waiting for its prey.
And whenever you are hit with another, smaller failure,
This jumps at you, and all the tears with it.
Because its like adding fuel to a fire,
Or like rubbing salt in a wound, these smaller rejections, are.
Telling you that it was not you, in the end, that it was not you.
And you never got the one thing you were sure of,
Positive of,
For so long.
Because others told you, and you told yourself,
Et enfin, they were wrong, and you were wronger.
And you close your eyes,
         wishing you got the thing you wished for,
hoped for,
      desired and wanted.
But you got only rejection,
If only you found what you seek,
If only you could go back in time,
And change their minds,
And hear your name.